
Wednesday, October 2, 2013


There is no synonym for you.
There is no synonym for the delicate contour of your smile,
Nor for the pleasant hiccup of your laugh.
There is no earthly equivalent for the gleam in your eye,
Like moonlight reflected of water,
Or the soft warmth of your cheek,
Like a mushroom cap warmed by the sun.
There is no adjective to describe
The earthy brown of your eyes
Or the shy, carnation pink of your lips,
Or the gentle statuesque curvatures of your face.

There is no synonym for you.
There is no simile of being next to you,
Like my ribcage is being cracked open wide
By a pressure pushing outward from the inside.
There is no metaphor for my tree love,
With deep roots that grip the ground with gnarled fingers.
I could not hyperbolize your unequivocal perfection,
Although perhaps you are distorted
Somewhat by my emotional cataracts.
There is no imagery to describe your perfect symmetry,
The natural hum of your voice, the calming scent of your hair,
Or the comforting envelopment of your hugs.

There is no synonym for you,
And I hope there isn't one for me either.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this poem because it obviously is about someone for you so it has your own meaning, but it also relates really well with other people because it makes me easily think of someone so its specific but not too specific where it would only relate to you
